Monday, December 6, 2010

Little Liesl....

Oh, this sweet little baby girl was so precious.  She didn't have a whole lot of smiles for me but she had a ton of cute expressions to say the least!  Got a few of her with her parents as well!  Little Liesl just turned 3 months and is just so adorable!  Here are a few of my favs and the rest of her session can be seen here:


Derico Photography December 6, 2010 at 2:53 PM  

Hehehe, I LOVE it when they are sticking out their tongue's!

Julie December 6, 2010 at 5:16 PM  

I know! Me too! hehe She had so many fun expressions too! :)

About This Blog

My name is Julie and I'm Mother of 3 beautiful girls, Married to a wonderful carpenter, I live in the state of Montana and I am owner of Jubilee Photography! I have a passion for photography as you will see throughout my blog! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :)

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