Thursday, September 2, 2010

Someone Special...

So, being a mom and a wife is a job in itself.  Having a newborn that wants all your time and devotion makes things tough as well.  Now add a career to that....well, that just seems impossible.  However, women do this everyday and do it successfully.  How?  I believe the secret is good support and our super mommy powers of course.  But definately support!  Now I get the moral support I need from my husband but there is one person that has always been there for us and that's (i'm going to call her) Super Grandma!

She is an amazing woman!  My family has been through a lot the last few years and she has always been there with words of encouragement, watching our kids so we could work and just always there to lend an ear.  She is one of my biggest supporters and always is encouraging me to pursue my passion for photography.  So, much so that now she is even offering to come along with me on my photo shoots and watching Leah for me on site so I can still work and be a mother.  Can you believe that?  Isn't she amazing?  Not only is she a great grandmother but also a wonderful artist!  I can only hope to be like her one day!  Here's a few of my favorite pics of this amazing lady:

About This Blog

My name is Julie and I'm Mother of 3 beautiful girls, Married to a wonderful carpenter, I live in the state of Montana and I am owner of Jubilee Photography! I have a passion for photography as you will see throughout my blog! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :)

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