Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So, when I first started my business I was fortunate enough to get a few models to help me build my portfolio.  One of them was a girl named Alex.  Although, she was only 15, she was a natural and the camera loved her.  She is now graduating this next year 2011!  Yippie Alex!!  So, her mother called me up and we setup her shoot.
  We had planned on shooting in the afternoon (favorable time of day for shooting, best lighting, ect..) however Alex ended up having to work.  Now most photographers know that the best time of day to shoot is either in the morning before 11:00 or in the after noon from about 4:00 on.  Well, it was about 10:00 when we started.  We realized this would probably be an issue but decided we would try to get as much as we could done as the sun would allow and then we would do some indoor shots and then reschedule for another day.  Here is what we came up with...

Did I tell you the camera loves her? :)

          I really love this next one because of the mood it projects.  Just has a cool vibe to me :)
As you can tell the sun started getting more harsh and had to move things indoors but I still like how this one came out :)

Since we didn't get as many outdoor ones as we wanted we will be setting up another shoot soon so I look forward to that!  So far, so good though! ;)


Unknown September 3, 2010 at 10:58 PM  

You are right Julie, Alex is natural and she is so simply beautiful. Alex is one of a kind and I am so proud of her, Aunt Teresa love you Alex. I love the pictures, would love to see her in a waterfall or with a hat on. Thank you Julie for taking great care of my Alex that is growing up before my eyes.
Aunt Teresa Beck

About This Blog

My name is Julie and I'm Mother of 3 beautiful girls, Married to a wonderful carpenter, I live in the state of Montana and I am owner of Jubilee Photography! I have a passion for photography as you will see throughout my blog! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :)

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