Friday, December 17, 2010

Challenge Update....

Well, I've been slacking on the blogging but wanted to update today with my last challenge pics..

ok, lets see where did I leave off on...oh that's right Day #5

my daughter wanted me to teach her how to play checkers!  She is so smart and a quick learner.  She almost beat me! lol!  Here is her concentrating on what move she should do next and mrs owl is watching us of course

Day #6....I could not find Mrs. Owl for the life of me and then i found her tucked hiden in the tree in pieces.  My middle child was the culprit and was trying to hide what she did ....silly girl!    Mrs Owl is actually a bell and her legs make the ding sound she be...poor Mrs Owl

Day #7 - I had Trinity show me what she had done.  She did feel pretty bad about it so I guess we'll let go this time! lol!

Day #8 - Mrs Owl was being bashful last night and since I was feeling sick I thought I wouldn't push her to show off her mug today.


About This Blog

My name is Julie and I'm Mother of 3 beautiful girls, Married to a wonderful carpenter, I live in the state of Montana and I am owner of Jubilee Photography! I have a passion for photography as you will see throughout my blog! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :)

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