Thursday, October 7, 2010


My darling sister sent me a tutu and this cute hat (doesn't quite fit leah yet) so I thought I would try them out along with this new flooring I put together.  I love trying out new props and my little darlings make cute models :)

Here's Leah in her tutu...

Here is miss trinity posing with the hat my sis sent....and she just happened to have a dress (her favorite dress i might add) that matched! :)

And since i'm blogging about accessories I thought I'ld post this favorite one of mine of leah a few weeks back.  I got this hat from my sister in law... my family just knows what to get me! hehe
and last but not least my wonderful mother made these cute head bands and here is Leah sporting one..

These are just a few of the accessories I have for baby/little girls.


About This Blog

My name is Julie and I'm Mother of 3 beautiful girls, Married to a wonderful carpenter, I live in the state of Montana and I am owner of Jubilee Photography! I have a passion for photography as you will see throughout my blog! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! :)

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